Summary of the XI. Regional Automotive Supplier Conference

The XI. Regional Automotive Supplier Conference of QFD Ltd. was held on October 18-19, 2022, hosted by Győr this year.

In addition to the major Hungarian companies in the automotive industry, important players from related industries also honored the event with their presence, where besides discussing the challenges affecting the automotive industry, we could learn a lot about digitalization, sustainability, hybrid work, quality assurance issues, as well as glimpse into the world of Industry 4.0 and robotics, and also into the new VDA standard changes.

Distinguished representatives of AUDI, Continental, Robert Bosch, as well as ZF Hungária, Thyssenkrupp, DANA, DENSO, JABIL, Valeo, and many other Hungarian and foreign automotive manufacturers and suppliers were present.

QFD Ltd. once again enjoyed the support of the VDA QMC, the Quality Management Center of the German Association of the Automotive Industry, as the only Hungarian company representing the association in Hungary and the South Slavic region.

After the exciting presentations on the first day of the two-day event, we ended the day with a cigar and chocolate tasting, and a gala dinner with live music.

Throughout both days of the event, visitors could get to know the products and services of numerous exhibitors up close at the exhibitor booths. Interested parties could find related training, information security services, logistics and storage solutions, industrial metrology, and component manufacturing companies among the exhibitors.

We started the second day with workshops, interactively learning about the structure of the new VDA 6.3. We also learned about the importance of a company’s intellectual capital and competence, and gained insight into the TISAX requirement system.

More than 30 B2B meetings took place at various tables. We visited the SZTAKI Industry 4.0 laboratory, where participants had the opportunity to get to know the company’s drawing robot, which used artificial intelligence to create portraits of interested attendees.

In the afternoon of the second day, the participants could choose from four plant visits (AUDI, Thyssenkrupp, Dana, SMR Automotive Mirror Technology Hungary Bt. – Modul Center Győr), so everyone could close the event on Wednesday night exhausted but enriched with new experiences and knowledge.

Thank you to the more than 220 Hungarian and foreign participants and the over 60 companies they represented for raising the level of the event with their presence!

Special thanks to the active and professional cooperation and support of AUDI Hungaria Zrt. and AUDI AG.!

We will meet again next year!

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