Summary of Annual Train the Trainer Event of QFD Group Kft.
On September 8-9, we had an exciting two days with the QFD Group Kft team at Hotel Stáció in Vecsés, where we organized this year’s Train the Trainer event. During the event, we not only focused on team building and training but also celebrated our company’s 20th anniversary.
Our annual TTT event is of outstanding importance as it provides an opportunity for our internal staff and external trainers to refresh and enhance their training capabilities. Together, we work to make our training sessions even more effective and ensure that all our training maintains a high standard. The human factor plays a significant role in our work, as we believe that assertive communication and excellent training are keys to success.
We are incredibly proud of both our long-standing instructors and the newly joined trainers who, along with our internal team, participated in this fantastic event in large numbers.
The two-day event offered us numerous exciting activities. Firstly, we engaged in a SWOT analysis where we reviewed the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of our company. This helps us respond even more effectively to the changing market environment.
During brainstorming sessions, we generated new ideas and solutions in the realm of our training. Through group work, we came up with many creative ideas that will assist in improving our training sessions and customer satisfaction.
In the remainder of the event, we listened to annual reports on our financial, educational, organizational, and marketing activities. This allowed us to review the results of the past year and prepare for the upcoming period.
The event was not only about professional development but also presented us with entertaining and educational quizzes that challenged each other. Celebrating our achievements in recent months, we also took part in a corporate tree planting, commemorating the company’s 20th anniversary. The tree we planted together serves as a reminder of our accomplishments and encourages us to think long-term.
This event was not just about expanding our knowledge and professional growth; it was also about forging team bonds and celebrating our collective achievements. We are proud to work with such dedicated and talented individuals.
We thank everyone who contributed to the success of the event and look forward to our next Train The Trainer event, where we can once again learn and celebrate together!