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QFD Group Ltd. offers to their partners the possibility to attend training courses in English in order to obtain the VDA 6.3 certificate.

Smeštaj obično nije uključen u cenu otvorenih kurseva. Međutim, molimo proverite specifične detalje svakog kursa radi potvrde.

Naši treneri su visoko kvalifikovani i iskusni profesionalci u svojim oblastima. Oni prolaze kroz rigorozne obuke i procese sertifikacije kako bi se osigurala njihova kompetentnost u sprovođenju trening kurseva.

Sertifikati se obično izdaju nakon završetka treninga i verifikacije svih zahteva. Ako niste primili sertifikat, molimo kontaktirajte naše odeljenje za trening radi pomoći.

VDA 6.3 aplikaciju možete kupiti putem različitih online platformi ili direktno sa veb-sajta VDA QMC:

Zahtev za ponudu za trening možete poslati kontaktirajući naš tim za prodaju ili popunjavanjem upitnika na našem veb-sajtu.

Informacije o našim konsultantskim aktivnostima možete pronaći na našem veb-sajtu ili kontaktiranjem naše konsultantske službe direktno.


Troškovi obnove VDA 6.3 sertifikacije mogu varirati. Molimo kontaktirajte naše odeljenje za licenciranje za specifične informacije o cenama.

Online kviz VDA QMC za automobilske osnovne alate dizajniran je da proceni vaše znanje o osnovnim alatima automobilske industrije i osigura da imate sveobuhvatno razumevanje datih tema. Obično se sastoji od pitanja sa više izbora i može imati vremensko ograničenje za završetak.

Dokaz o obavljenim auditima može se uzeti u obzir kao deo procesa kvalifikacije, ali mogu se primeniti dodatni zahtevi. Molimo kontaktirajte naše odeljenje za licenciranje radi dodatnih informacija.

Razni sertifikati o kvalifikaciji auditora mogu se prihvatiti za VDA 6.3 ispit, u zavisnosti od specifičnih zahteva. Molimo proverite poslednje smernice od VDA QMC ili kontaktirajte naše odeljenje za licenciranje za pojašnjenje.

Examples: ISO 9001, IATF 16949, VDA 6.1, VDA 6.2, VDA 6.4, AS 9100, IRIS.


(see graphic representation of the requirements here).

  • Copy of the certificate of qualification „(ID 381-HU) VDA 6.3:2023 Process auditor training
  • Certificate of completion of the three days auditor qualification course according to DIN EN ISO 19011 or VDA qualification as quality manager and internal auditor
  • Certificate of knowledge of automotive Core Tools (ID 415:2022 or ID 417:2019) or two-days training from another provider (for training not older than 2019) + Automotive Core Tools quiz from VDA QMC
  • At least five years of full-time work experience in a manufacturing company, at least two years of quality management experience (personal data sheet)

No, only that person be allowed to participate on the VDA 6.3 (2023) exam if their application has been accepted by VDA QMC or its licensing partner. Subsequent applications are not permitted.

The participation on the VDA 6.3:2023 exam depends on the assessment of the application submitted.

Conditions of participation:

You can apply with in the online application form or by completing and emailing the PDF form.

The (ID 417-EN) Automotive Core Tools for Process and System Auditors)  and the (ID 415-EN) Automotive Core Tools (ACT) for Quality Management in the Automotive Industry training courses are accepted.

Alternatively, a course of at least two days on automotive quality tools from another training provider and successful completion of a Core Tools online quiz is acceptable. If the quiz is unsuccessful, completion of the (ID 417-EN) Automotive Core Tools for Process and System Auditors training is mandatory.

No. A prerequisite to pass the VDA 6.3 (2023) exam is the certificate of successful completion of „(ID 417-EN) Automotive Core Tools for Process and System Auditors“ training. Without this condition, the training must be repeated. One re-take exam is possible for free of charge.

Only 2 retakes are allowed and both retakes can be taken within one year of the completion of the qualification.

It is also required for an approved VDA 6.3 trainer to demonstrate the existence of five process audits and/or potential analyses to extend their VDA 6.3 (2016) certification. Automotive Quality Techniques (Core Tools) expertise can be demonstrated by the general requirements for process auditors or by attending the „(ID 417-EN) Automotive Core Tools for Process and System Auditors“ training course officially developed for trainers by VDA QMC.

The renewal application can be submitted up to three months after the expiry date of the certificate. Once the renewal is confirmed, the new certificate is valid for a further three years from the expiry of the old one.

If the certificate has been expired for more than three months at the time of application, in addition to fulfilling the requirements for renewal of the qualification (auditing experience and professional knowledge of automotive quality techniques (Core Tools), a repeat of the VDA 6.3 (2023) test is required.

Upon completion of the renewal requirements and retaking the exam, the new certificate will be valid for 3/5 years from the expiry date of the old one.

To renew a VDA 6.3:2016 or 2023 certificate, the application must be submitted before the expiry date.

  • For renewal of VDA 6.3:2016, evidence of audit experience as a lead auditor in at least five process audits (and at least 10 audit days) within the validity period. Both internal and external process audits are accepted. If the required audit experience cannot be demonstrated, the training „(ID 341-EN) VDA 6.3 – Workshop for Certified Process Auditors“ must be completed in order to extend the VDA 6.3 certification.

*For renewal of VDA 6.3:2023, min. 10 audits and 20 days, of which at least 16 on-site and no more than 4 remotes.

  • Evidence of knowledge of Automotive Core Tools must also be provided. The training „(ID 417-EN) Automotive Core Tools for Process and System Auditors“ and the VDA qualification „Automotive Core Tools – Expert“ (ID 415, 416, possibly 450) are accepted. Alternatively, proof of at least two days of training on Automotive Quality Tools (Core Tools) from another training provider and successful completion of the Automotive Quality Tools (Core Tools) VDA QMC online quiz. If the knowledge of Automotive Quality Tools has been acquired informally, this means that the quiz can be completed in the course of the job without formal proof of qualification. If the quiz is not successful, the training „(ID 417-EN) Automotive Core Tools for Process and System Auditors“ must be completed.
  • In the case of renewal of VDA 6.3:2016, evidence of completion of the ID 333 upgrade training must also be provided.
  • Completed and signed VDA form
  • Submit a copy of the current card/certificate
  • Completion of the online registration form at the bottom of the page

You must have five years’ experience in industry, of which at least two years must have been in the quality field. Up to 50% of the five years may be counted towards the traineeship, up to a maximum of 2 years. Internships, student internships, etc. completed during the bachelor’s or master’s degree programme cannot be counted towards the applicant’s work experience. Overall, only candidates who have fulfilled all the requirements and whose application for the examination has been approved by VDA QMC or its official licensing partner may participate on the exam.

The Automotive Core Tools online quiz, available through VDA QMC and its licensing partners, allows future and active VDA 6.3 (2023) auditors to test and verify their proficiency in automotive quality techniques (Core Tools). Thanks to the standardization of the question set, the VDA QMC Automotive Core Tools online quiz is a globally accepted proof of Core Tools qualification. This new quality service reinforces the standard of the VDA 6.3 (2023) certification more than ever before and provides certificate holders with an even higher level of qualification in the automotive supply chain.

Completing the VDA QMC Automotive Core Tools quiz implies that the customer has accepted the VDA QMC Terms of Use. As we know, retaking the quiz is not allowed. If the customer initiates a new registration, it will be treated by VDA QMC as an attempt to cheat. Therefore, only the first attempt will be counted for each applicant. All subsequent attempts will be counted as „failed“, even if the result is subsequently positive.

If the VDA QMC Automotive Core Tools online quiz is unsuccessful, but is required to properly demonstrate automotive core tools expertise in order to obtain or extend the VDA 6.3 (2016) qualification, then the (ID 417-EN) Automotive Core Tools for Process and System Auditors training course should be taken.

To take the VDA QMC Automotive Core Tools online quiz once, so retakes are not allowed.

It is strongly recommended to do not start taking the VDA QMC Automotive Core Tools online quiz without prior preparation.

Before registering for the online quiz, it is recommended for the interested parties to review the specific quality tools of the VDA and AIAG and the harmonized VDA-AIAG-FMEA.

The following overview can be used to identify areas for possible review:


Source: (booklet)

Advanced quality design / Product development process

*VDA Volume Maturity Level Assurance
for New Parts (MLA)

FMEA and Special Characteristics

Failure Mode and Effects Analysis Handbook

Statistical evaluation of Measurement System Analysis (MSA)

VDA 5 – Capability of Measurement Processes

Statistical Process Control (SPC)

*Economical Process Design and
Process Control (VDA Volume 4)

Sampling Methods

VDA 2 Production Process and Product Approval

Control Plan

*IATF 16949

Problem solving methods

*VDA Volume 8D – Problem Solving
in 8 Disciplines


If you have a training certificate by VDA QMC, for ID 415:2022 and ID 417:2019, which certifies your Core Tools knowledge, please send a copy of the certificate when applying or renewing your certificate.

If you have not acquired your Core Tools knowledge at VDA QMC, but you have a certificate from another training institution, issued no earlier than 2019, certifying at least 2 days/16 hours of training, you will need to take the online test.

The excel report has been replaced in 2018 by the app, called VDA 6.3 Analysis Tool, which can be purchased exclusively through the VDA QMC webshop.

A new VDA Tool has been developed in 2023 and is available at the following link:

The 5-day training (ID 381_382) includes the exam day (ID 382), in contrast the 4-day training (ID 381) does not include the certified exam.

According to the VDA QMC regulations, the maximum number of participants is 12 participants, in order to ensure the effectiveness of the training.


To subscribe to publications, please contact VDA QMC directly. Publications in Hungarian language are currently only available in paper format.

Cash purchases are only possible for personal receipt of the publication. If you wish to pay this way, please tick this option in the purchasing page. Our staff will contact you within 48 hours to arrange payment and collection details.

No, the Hungarian publications are currently only available in print format.

Yes, you can buy publications as a private person, in that case you will need to provide your personal details when ordering.

You can order foreign language publications from the VDA QMC webshop.

You can order Hungarian language publications via the QFD Group website.