Automotive SPICE Presentation, GAMF, February 29, 2024.

Automotive Spice előadás Kecskeméten

Automotive Spice Presentation in Kecskemét

Our company’s professional partner, Attila Fehérvári, an auditor at SANEON GmbH Automotive Spice, gave a presentation on February 29 at the GAMF Faculty of Neumann János University.

Automotive Spice előadás Kecskeméten

From the content of the presentation:

The presentation introduces the history and structure of Automotive SPICE (Software Process Improvement and Capability Determination in the Automotive Industry). The fundamental requirement of automotive electronic system development is reliability and safety. Automotive SPICE was developed to meet these requirements, enabling all participants in the long supplier chain, from OEMs to TIERs, to work together harmoniously within the same quality assurance framework and processes. The standard has been in existence for over 20 years now. Its latest version, 4.0, was released in December 2023, following the 3.1 version released in 2017.

Automotive Spice előadás, Fehérvári Attila

Automotive SPICE defines the processes of electronic development and, to support these processes, it defines a total of 32 processes in 11 process groups. Guidelines for process alignment and a model system for verifying these guidelines are defined in accordance with ISO/IEC 3300x standards. Using the Process Reference Model (PRM) and the Process Assessment Model (PAM), the standard provides the opportunity for process-level support and organized control, evaluation, and assessment of the work of companies and development teams.

Explore our relevant training courses:

➡️ Introduction to Automotive SPICE®

➡️ Automotive Software Essentials

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