(ID 3502-SR) Ford Motor Company Customer Specific Requirements


We recommend this training course to current or future Ford suppliers who want to understand the deeper connections of Ford's requirements and need to meet the Ford Q1 requirements. The training is provided by instructors who are currently full-time automotive industry professionals and not only know but also apply Ford's customer-specific requirements on a daily basis.



Customer relationship managers, customer representatives, product and process developers, quality management and quality assurance staff, internal and supplier auditors.



The participants of the training will be able to introduce and effectively apply Ford's customer-specific requirements within their organization. This enables the organization to meet the Ford Q1 requirements, improve competitiveness and have a greater chance of winning new contracts.



  • Ford CSR
  • Ford Q1 requirements
  • Ford SREA process
  • Ford PPAP Phase requirements



Automotive industry experience.

Broj osoba
Minimalan broj osoba 6, maksimalan broj osoba 16 .
Dostupna kvalifikacija

Upon successful completion of the training, you will receive a certificate. Attendance of 85% of the course is required to obtain the certificate.

Trajanje obuke
1 dan(a)
Cena obuke
195 EUR + PDV/osoba (Cena važi za otvorenu kontakt obuku) *
160 EUR + PDV/osoba (Cena važi za otvorenu online obuku)**

Za obuku unutar preduzeća zatražite ponudu.

*Cena uključuje kurikulum i sertifikat.
*Cena takođe uključuje usluge posredovanja (osveženje ujutru i popodne, ručak).
*Cena NE uključuje troškove smeštaja. Na poseban zahtev, rado ćemo preporučiti obližnji hotel ili pansion.
**Cena uključuje sertifikat.
Zatražite ponudu

Datumi i lokacije