(ID 411-SR) VDA 16 – Decorative Surfaces of Accessories and Functional Parts in the Exterior and Interior Areas of Automobiles


Surface specifications based on look and feel play an important role in the product engineering process (PeP) and the entire supply chain. Surface specifications that are defined too late or not in line with the process can lead to considerable expense. The training will focus on the systematic procedure for defining specifications for different features of decorative surfaces that are dependent on look and feel.


  • You will be aware of the importance of defning and establishing the surface specifcation at an early stage in the product engineering process in terms of a maximum tolerable process position (MTP pattern) during the feasibility and manufacturability analysis.
  • You will be able to apply the VDA 16 method in a technically correct manner.
  • You will take into account framework conditions such as testing or test workstation design to avoid process disruptions throughout the supply chain.
  • You will be familiar with the subject of the necessary inspector qualifcation and “inspector calibration” based on the attributive MSA.



Project managers, project staff, executives and interdisciplinary employees in development, planning, production and quality management. Process managers for the test realization of look-and-feel dependent surface part inspections.



The training alternates between technical presentations and group work. Group work supports the transfer of what has been learned into your own working practice. Special emphasis is placed on opportunities to exchange experiences.



Broj osoba
Minimalan broj osoba 6, maksimalan broj osoba 12 .
Dostupna kvalifikacija

Upon successful completion of the training, you will receive a VDA QMC certificate, the condition of which is participation in 85% of the course.

Trajanje obuke
1 dan(a)
Cena obuke
410 EUR + PDV/osoba (Cena važi za otvorenu kontakt obuku) *
370 EUR + PDV/osoba (Cena važi za otvorenu online obuku)**

Za obuku unutar preduzeća zatražite ponudu.

*Cena uključuje kurikulum i sertifikat.
*Cena takođe uključuje usluge posredovanja (osveženje ujutru i popodne, ručak).
*Cena NE uključuje troškove smeštaja. Na poseban zahtev, rado ćemo preporučiti obližnji hotel ili pansion.
**Cena uključuje sertifikat.
Zatražite ponudu

Datumi i lokacije