(ID 6020-SR) Maturity Level Assurance for New Parts – Workshop


The implementation of the VDA standard of Maturity Level Assurance for New Parts aims to attain sustainable improvement of the quality of supplied parts. With this method, a process accompanying assurance of product maturity is achieved at the start of production: projects are segmented, assessed early on and corrected. Furthermore, a unifed concept is provided for cooperation and communication in complex product engineering projects involving many participants in the supply chain. In the workshop, you will acquire the necessary knowledge and competencies to implement the standard in the automotive and supplier industry. This is a supplementary workshop for ID 602-EN 1 day training.



• QA employees • Product managers • Project managers in product engineering • Product planners • responsible persons and spokespersons of cross-functional and cross-organizational development teams • Persons responsible for components • Customer team and supplier project managers • Key account managers



The participants have the opportunity to get to know the project phases related to the preparation of the new components in detail, and through tasks, they can learn what activities should be carried out and supervised in that project phase. The workshop also provides an opportunity to jointly process the organization's own problems and tasks based on the instructions of our expert colleague.



The RGA/MLA measurement criteria will be explained in detail during the workshop, the aim of the workshop is for the participants to better understand the requirements and be able to apply them practically.


  • General knowledge of RGA

Broj osoba
Minimalan broj osoba 6, maksimalan broj osoba 16 .
Dostupna kvalifikacija

Upon successful completion of the training, you will receive a certificate. Attendance of 85% of the course is required to obtain the certificate.

Trajanje obuke
1 dan(a)
Cena obuke
195 EUR + PDV/osoba (Cena važi za otvorenu kontakt obuku) *
160 EUR + PDV/osoba (Cena važi za otvorenu online obuku)**

Za obuku unutar preduzeća zatražite ponudu.

*Cena uključuje kurikulum i sertifikat.
*Cena takođe uključuje usluge posredovanja (osveženje ujutru i popodne, ručak).
*Cena NE uključuje troškove smeštaja. Na poseban zahtev, rado ćemo preporučiti obližnji hotel ili pansion.
**Cena uključuje sertifikat.
Zatražite ponudu

Datumi i lokacije