(ID 3103-SR) ISO 45001 Occupational health and safety management system internal auditor training


The assessment of companies increasingly depends on how they take care of their employees' health and physical well-being. The European Union also has expectations regarding workplace health and safety. The Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS) is a tool for the organization's management to meet these expectations in a transparent and organized manner.

The course is based on the requirements of the ISO 45001 standard, which formulates the organization's basic tasks for the protection of health. It helps to assess, evaluate, and control workplace risks of the organization's activities, taking into account all interested parties' perspectives.



Employees and managers selected to perform internal and supplier audits.



As a result of the training, the participant can determine which ISO 45001 standard requirements to consider in a given situation and be able to prepare a checklist for the given situation. Recognize possible non-compliances (non-fulfillment of requirements) in different situations and be able to formulate this in a clear and understandable form in a report. Learn and apply appropriate communication elements during the audit.



  • ANNEX SL structure and introduction,
  • ISO 45001 standard structure, key definitions
  • Detailed overview of the standard. Main emphases: OHS policy and objectives, Leadership roles and consultation, Hazard identification, risk assessment and risk management, OHS risks and opportunities, Hierarchy of regulation and operational control, Incident investigation and corrective action.
  • New requirements of 45001 - changes and shifts in emphasis compared to OHSAS 18001
  • Key occupational health and safety legislation, requirements, compliance obligations
  • Internal auditing in general, audit preparation, conduct of the audit, evaluation and documentation of the audit
  • Special features of OHSMS internal auditing
  • Practical exercises, case studies - interpretation of the standard requirements from an auditor's perspective




Broj osoba
Minimalan broj osoba 6, maksimalan broj osoba 16 .
Dostupna kvalifikacija

Upon successful completion of the training, you will receive a certificate of qualification. Admission to the exam is conditional on participation in a minimum of 85% of the course.

Trajanje obuke
3 dan(a)
Cena obuke
600 EUR + PDV/osoba (Cena važi za otvorenu kontakt obuku) *
490 EUR + PDV/osoba (Cena važi za otvorenu online obuku)**

Za obuku unutar preduzeća zatražite ponudu.

*Cena uključuje kurikulum i sertifikat.
*Cena takođe uključuje usluge posredovanja (osveženje ujutru i popodne, ručak).
*Cena NE uključuje troškove smeštaja. Na poseban zahtev, rado ćemo preporučiti obližnji hotel ili pansion.
**Cena uključuje sertifikat.
Zatražite ponudu

Datumi i lokacije